Drumstick is a small or medium
sized perennial tree which can reach up to
10 to 12 meter height with fragile and corky stem. The leaves are
usually tri-pinnate with elliptic leaflets. Pods are pendulous and length ranges
from 20 cm to 110 cm. Drumstick seeds are trigonous with wings on angles. Usually, drumstick is grown for its
nutrient rich tender, but full grown pods, leaves and flowers which are used in
culinary (cooking) preparations. Young shoots have purplish or greenish-white,
hairy bark. The drumstick tree has an open crown of drooping, fragile branches
and the leaves build up feathery foliage of tripinnate leaves. These vegetables
contain good amounts of vitamins and minerals. Drumstick has excellent health
benefits along with other industrial uses. Drumstick can be grown in backyard
or commercially in open fields. The moringa tree is called as “miracle tree” in
Asia. Generally, moringa or drumstick can be cultivated for its leaves, pods, and/or its kernels for
oil extraction and water purification. To read more Click here.