Wednesday 26 October 2016

Safflower Seed Production Info Guide

Safflower is a highly branched, herbaceous annual plant cultivated mainly for its seed from oil is extracted. These seeds can be used bird feed as well. Silage or feed can be prepared for livestock using this crop. As demand for safflower is going up day by day, commercial growers are showing interest for this crop. Basically, it is a commercially cultivated crop for vegetable oil (extracted from safflower seeds). This crop is a rainfed crop, however can be grown round the clock with proper irrigation facility. When it comes to plant description, these plants are 12 to 58 inches tall with globe flower head having orange, yellow and red colour flowers. Usually, each safflower plant branch will have 1 to 5 flower heads with 15 to 18 seeds (each head). Safflower is originated from Mediterranean and Middle Eastern regions. Safflower is grown on large scale (commercial production of safflower) mainly in India, USA, Mexico, China, Argentina, Russia, Pakistan Ethiopia, Australia, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Iran. Safflower oil and seeds have an excellent health benefits and even used in herbal medicines. Read more: HERE. 

Thursday 20 October 2016

Cashew Nut Farming Info Guide

The cashew tree is a fast grower and tropical evergreen tree that produces the cashew nut (seed) and the cashew apple. Cashew tree is native to Brazil and currently it is being grown most of the countries around the world. Generally, cashew trees grow up to 13-14 meters. However, dwarf cultivar of cashew which reaches up to 6 m, has proved more profitable due to its early maturing habit and higher output (yields). Cashew nuts are used and consumed in different ways. Cashew nut shell being used in application from paints to lubricants. Most of the coastal areas in Asian countries are major production regions of cashew nuts. Commercial cultivation of cashew is growing day by day as cashew nut became unavoidable snack in all important social functions. Read more: HERE. 

Sunday 9 October 2016

Sunflower Production Guide

Sunflower is one of oil seed crops grown throughout the world for various purposes. Sunflower is a major source of vegetable oil in most of the countries due to its nutrient values. Sunflower is originated in North America and later spread to the most of the countries in the world. Usually, sunflower seeds contain about 46-52% edible oil. The sunflower oil is considered premium compared to other vegetable oil as it has high level of linoleic acid. Not only oil extracted from seeds, almost every part of sunflower plant has commercial value in the market. Apart from preparing edible oils from sunflower seeds, it is also being used as nutritious meal for birds, animals (sunflower oil cake is rich in protein and used as cattle and poultry feed) and preparation of cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and some other industrial products like paints, resins and plastics. These plants can also be grown for ornamental purposes. Sunflower oil is very healthy and known for its light and odourless characters. Sunflower oil is rich in vitamin 'E' and is derived from sunflower seed carrying nearly 45-50% oil content. Dwarf type of sunflowers can be grown in pots and containers. Some people grow these in backyards / indoors for ornamental purpose. Read more here.